We arrived after a day and two nights sail. Captain Cindy’s looking excited…… Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Sunrise at Cedros Island Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Cedros at Sunrise Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Isla San Benitos East (between Cedros Island and the Isla San Benitos group) Isla San Benitos – Mexico
We were greeted by this pair of “fishing dolphins” at our arrival at the anchorage Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Fishing Pangas at the anchorage Isla San Benitos – Mexico
We landed the dinghy on the beach….Our new wheel system for landing has worked out extremely well Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Just as we landed the dinghy, we realized we had some company Isla San Benitos – Mexico
The wheels were remade out of stainless steel from the original aluminum and have a quick system for deploying and retrieving our 250 lbs of dinghy to pull it up on the beach. The buildings are the fishing village (you’re seeing about 20 percent of it) in the background Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Male Bull Elephant Seal at the beach landing Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Scott gets as close as he dares. We didn’t want to wake the sleeping giant. This big boy probably weighed well over 1000 lbs. They move amazingly fast on land as well Isla San Benitos – Mexico
When we first arrived. A family came out to greet us in their panga. They wanted “candy”. Cindy provided them with a healthier snack when we went ashore…..including a little chocolate. Daniel, Damian & Alejandra……… Isla San Benitos – Mexico
In many places in the “eco” areas of Mexico, we have found these signs explaining the local interests and need for protecting the environment. Unforntunately, the locals don’t always read the signs….. Isla San Benitos – Mexico
This gives you an idea of life in a fishing village – The outback of Baja…….. Isla San Benitos – Mexico
A new church was being built. They used the wall of an adjacent house as one wall for the church Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Beach House at Isla San Benitos with Cedros Island in the distance Isla San Benitos – Mexico
We went for a 5 mile strenous hike up to the top of the mountain at Isla San Benito West to the light house…….Spectacular views Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Cindy with Isla San Benitos Middle and East, with Cedros Island in the distance Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Scott with Isla San Benito Middle, East and Cedros Island in the distance Isla San Benitos – Mexico
We believe this to be a “Century Palm” which blooms about every 10 years Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Views of Isla San Benitos Isla San Benitos – Mexico
The last quarter mile of this hike was very steep. Scott was exhausted Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Beach House with Cedros Island in the distance. Anchorage at Isla San Benito West Isla San Benitos – Mexico
This sign asks for visitors to be respectful of the Elephant Seal colony Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Who’s striking the pose here anyhow? Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Elephant Seal Colony (Group) Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Pup with Mom…. Apparently the pups are born over several months as we saw mostly newborns; but some who were weaned Isla San Benitos – Mexico
What Mom was communicating, we’ll never know, but she was laying down the law Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Mostly the gals hung together if they didn’t have any pups Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Living large and cute on the beach Isla San Benitos – Mexico
The alpha males seemed to have one thing on their mind…. Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Isla San Benitos – Mexico
After all that hot action, he had to take a cool dip. Maybe she told him to take a cold shower Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Redux……. Isla San Benitos – Mexico
What I chose not to show in these photos were the fairly high infant mortality rate. Several young pups were on the beach who didn’t make it for one reason or another. Isla San Benitos – Mexico
We actually saw one elephant seal give birth. The birds cleaned up the delivery room in seconds. Mom seemed confused and was separated from her newborn. She couldn’t seem to get past another mother who thought she was trying to nurse her baby. We hoped the outcome would resolve itself, after an hour it still had not. This may be a common reason for pup loss Isla San Benitos – Mexico
The mothers had barking voices, the babies sounded like monkeys when they cried out Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Many of the mothers barked at their pups, for the most part, the pups could have cared less. In some cases (as the mothers only had one pup at a time), we thought they might be telling the other pup to go find their own mother Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Though we shot most of these images with a film lens equivalent of a 350mm (we shoot digital with a 1.4 times image enlargement), two or three times in several hours, mom would let us know, we were close enough Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Many of the mothers seemed to be territorial and didn’t want another mother to get too close to her pup Isla San Benitos – Mexico
The mother on the right thought her personal and pup space was being crowded Isla San Benitos – Mexico
As you can see, mom (differing from many mammals) seems to have lots of choices for her young to nurse. Mom is just asleep Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Well, mom’s trying to sleep anyway Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Cute Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Newly weaned, this guy was trying see how fast he could reach “Alpha” status Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Enough of you big boy Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Yes, mother would love it…….such a face Isla
Back off buddy! Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Isla San Benitos – Mexico
We were sad to leave Isla San Benitos. The people were nice, the experience unforgettable Isla San Benitos – Mexico
It’s a tough life for these fishing families. Much welcomed supplies arrived on m/v “San Benito” from Cedros Island. Also, new families taking their turn fishing from the village. The average family stays only a few days to a few months before returning to their homes on Cedros or Isla Natividad (to the south of Cedros Island) Isla San Benitos – Mexico
These pangas catch my photograhic eye and I never tire of taking their picture. You sort of get a “sense” of each one, a feeling for each boat almost as it were alive and a distinct individual Isla San Benitos – Mexico
Farewell Islas San Benitos…..We really enjoyed our stay, now on our way……..To Turtle Bay! Isla San Benitos – Mexico