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Arriving at Forteleza from Fernando de Noronha
Interesting wind power at the commercial harbor. The winds are pretty consistent here
Busy skyline of Forteleza
Several wrecks were seen en route to the Marina
Tidying up before arrival
Yes, that is a mostly submerged wreck behind Nikki with an anchored freighter in the background
Another wreck just outside the Marina
Marina at the hotel. The docks were dangerous, caution advised
Walking tour of the waterfront
Miss Brazil….our next door neighbor…:-)
Med Mooring is a pain anywhere. Using our bow anchor was a first!
Typical street scene in Forteleza. Looks a bit like Central America in general
No matter where you go!…:-)
“Green World” – A shop for just about everything
Health Food
Crusader Statues
Water Pipes!
Protein Powder
Crusader Swords
Samurai Swords
Exotic Figurines….This conglomeration pretty much summed up Forteleza
The sky above, the mud below
Samba concert at the Marina… 15,000 people!