As we left from the Northern Channel Islands to head south
Southern California Wildfires from a NASA photo. I got this photo from the internet. We were at Catalina Harbor when it was taken. The extent of the smoke out to sea can clearly be seen Southern California
Beach House in beautiful Avalon Harbor. We actually got a call from Mike Lonnes telling us to look on the internet and we could see a similar shot on the Avalon “webcam”……Isn’t this stuff cool……… Catalina Island – Avalon Harbor
We arrived on Friday afternoon, October 19th…..waiting for Mike & Beth aboard “Scotch Mist”. One of two favorite coves at Catalina Island Catalina Island – Big Geiger Cove
At Mike & Beth’s suggestion, when the Santa Ana’s stopped, we went to Little Harbor on the backside of Catalina. This is now one of our two favorite places on the Island. We spent a magic day here, snorkeling, hiking and having the place in warm weather……..all to ourselves. Catalina Island – Little Harbor
We were in Cat Harbor with lots of other boats for the Big Santa Ana Event. The birds were all smart enought to huddle ashore. We cleaned ash off the boat for days from the Southern California Wildfires. Photos from space showed smoke trails well out beyond Catalina Island Catalina Island – Cat Harbor
As we arrived at the West End of Catalina Island, we suddenly came across the largest species of animal on the planet……..A Blue Whale. These weigh 90 tons and grow to be 90 feet long.
These Whales are as large as FOUR African Bull Elephants. We spotted this one only 100 yards offshore.
Catalina Island Fox being attended to by several Naturalists Catalina Island – Big Geiger Cove
Catalina Island Fox with Veterinarin above Big Geiger Cove Catalina Island – Big Geiger Cove
These are the volunteers who capture the foxes in safe traps. When they put the hoods over their heads, they relax and allow the Veterinarian to clean his ears and take tissue samples
Avalon Sunrise. This is the glass bottom tour boat “Nautilus” the morning we left from Avalon to Long Beach, California. You can see again, the beauty of the sunrise caused by the heavy ash from the wildfires 40 miles to the East……… Catalina Island – Avalon Harbor
Day hike from Cherry Cove to Big Geiger Cove at the Isthmus of Catalina Catalina Island – Cherry Cove
Cindy taking the Dinghy ashore at Isthmus Cove. We got the outboard tuned up and boy does it run better than ever! Catalina Island – Isthmus Cove
Our first morning at Catalina Island, Cherry Cove……….before the big Santa Ana and Fire Events Catalina Island – Cherry Cove
We came upon a group from US Dept. of Fish & Game, The Wildlife Institute and the Catalina Conservancy. They were doing studies on the endangered Catalina Island Fox. Apparently, there are now 1500 of these little guys left, up from 500 a few years ago. They are having an epidemic of a type of cancer in their ears.
Cindy & Beth went on a “Buffalo Hunt”……..and they weren’t afraid!………. Catalina Island
The Wildfires of Southern California blew smoke over 50 miles out to sea. Here you can see the outer portion of Little Harbor with the effects; beautiful but very saddening at the same time……….. Catalina Island – Little Harbor
The Buffalo were brought to Catalina Island by famous Director Cecil B. Demil to make Western Movies. The heard originally around 40 animals grew to 400. All but about 40 have been returned to the Dakota’s were their ancestors were from. Here you see Catalina or “Cat” Harbor as it is known in the background. We saw Buffalo here with new friends Eric & Emmy, and again at Little Harbor Catalina Island – Cat Harbor
We again saw Buffalo in Little Harbor. Notice that Cindy TAKES these photos. She isn’t comfortable with a 1000 lbs of hoof standing over 6 feet tall at the shoulder. What was I thinking…….:) Catalina Island – Little Harbor
Beach House approaching Santa Barabara Island after a fabulous sail Santa Barbara Island, California
Looking toward the mainlaind that famous “Twenty Six Miles Across the Sea”…….. Sunrise at Cherry Cove looking toward Ship Rock Catalina Island – Cherry Cove
s/v “Astor” This beautiful schooner has a fabulous lore and history. I put this photo in here because of my cousin David Blocks’ experience aboard her as a teenager. He had the distinction of falling overboard enroute to Catalina and lives to tell the story. She’s still an immaculately maintained and stunning classic. Linda Isle – Newport Bay – California
USCG Cutter Blackfin on the backside of Catalina Island. They were checking lots of boats and generally making their presence known. Catalina Island – East of Little Harbor