June 2nd, 2012 (Eastern Hemisphere)
Dear F&F,
Hello all s/v Beach House web followers new and long term! First, let me say thanks for the 300 plus emails I received recently, I still have to respond to many of you…..and I will.
This writing finds me actually quite far along our journey up the East Coast of Australia. We are currently just 4 hours from Townsville in tandem with Nordhaven 62, m/v \”Oso Blanco\”, whom I met last season. Before I keep on about current events, I\’m going to try an catch up from our start in Brisbane this season.
Also, web guru extrordinaire, Jermiah Cohick has added a new feature which allows me to post my latest \”Ship\’s Log\” on the Welcome screen and keeps them in chronological archived order under the \”Ship\’s Log\” tab above.
As to photos, I\’ll get there, give me some time. No new videos are likely to be posted in the above link, but all the origninals are under the \”Scott & Cindy\” tab at the lower left of this screen; inside the original website.
So, I will try this post as a test of the new system and begin updating from Brisbane to current as quickly as possible. Feel free to write either myself or Nicola at our normal email addresses as we\’ve still good internet going up the coast.
Cheers and KIT,
Scott and Nikki – Brisbane, Australia