The regatta gets lots of gold plated entries and is the most popular regatta in the Caribbean; often getting several hundred entries
Nikki enjoying an “umbrella drink” at a beach bar
We saw this local catamaran coming into the bight. Anchoring in white sand and calm waters
We visited English Harbour, home to the historic “Nelson Dockyard”
Admiral Nelson. The famous Admiral most noted for his victory at Trafalgar, set up these yards
Docking facility. Here the ships were careened for repairs. English Harbour is an excellent hurricane harbor with a blind entrance. This insures large waves will not enter the harbor.
A bit of Kitch…. Like most tourist attractions, the nick nack stores do a brisk business in the season
Pristine Westsail 32. This was a real cruisers dream back in the 1970’s. Almost all were kit boats. Heavy, slow, but durable.
The Harbor with historic buildings
Across the entrance to the inner harbor
Nik, being Nik!…..
Steel Band. Trinidad was the birth place of the “steel drum”. Drums created originally from 55 gallon drums used by the US Military. The phenomenon quickly spread throughout the Caribbean nations.
English Harbour with Falmouth Harbour in the distance
Art Deco Miami….. This was our hotel, “The Marlin” in the Art Deco district of South Beach
Uniquely, our hotel was famous for the South Beach (recording) Studio located INSIDE the hotel
We got a personal tour from Joe Galdo, the Head Honcho
Joe was very nice, gave us a great studio tour and told us his mantra when it comes to running the business. “Accommodate, Facilitate and Cooperate – with an Attitude of Gratitude”. Thanks Joe!
As many of you know, I have taken lots of Underwater Photos. I purchased my equipment from internationally famous photographer, Stephen Frink. I had no idea that it would take sailing 90% the way round the world to accidentally come across his office while we drove to Key West.
Typical view from the barrier causeway that is Highway A1 en route to Key West
For all you sailor types, I just couldn’t miss having a drink in “Margaritivelle”…:-)
At Jimmy’s famous bar
Capt. Tony was a mayor of Key West and legendary drinking buddy of Jimmy Buffett
Words of Wizdom from Captain Tony…:-)
For those who don’t know, Jimmy Buffett’s (serious) fans are called Parrot Heads. Nuff said….:-)
We visited Hemingway House where the famous author penned many of his best known works.
Ernest Hemingway
Hemingway’s Study where he actually wrote.
The End…. Highway 1, Key West, Florida
Marker showing the most southern point in the Continental USA!
To bottom of the world?
Leon and Debbie …. We stayed with my old UCSB and Dental School friend. A wonderful time.
Maestro – Leon’s Lipizzaner Horse which he and Debbie ride dressage upon…..We really enjoyed our time with “Leap” and Deb…..
We visited the famous Antigua YC where the annual “Antigua Race Week” is hosted in the Spring of every year