Dear F&F,
April 26, 2009
Coco Island
We did two real dives today, versus yesterday which was just a gear check out dive. It is so great to go right off the big boat into clear blue water. It is a bonus not having to schlep everything into the dinghy. There are A LOT of fish & white tip reef sharks (think hamsters!) under the boat; very cool. We wore, but turned off, our shark shields when around them. I got close to several then turned it on just to see them jump & swim away. I needed to see for myself that the things really work. They do! Unfortunately due to the very warm water temp (84 degrees!) there are not many of the larger sharks around now. We hope the divemaster who we start with tomorrow, will take us to deeper sites where the hammerheads & others may be chillin\’.
My new wetsuit is great, but TOO HOT for now. I used it for the 1st dive but switched to my old, well compressed 5 mm which is plenty toasty for now. I know once we start getting in 3 dives a day, by day #3 I will probably be feeling colder. Especially if we mostly do deep dives which we expect too. We just reviewed today\’s photos. Scott tested both the video & the camera to make sure all gear is in good order for tomorrow. We are going to go watch the video soon. I am so so happy to be at this island & be able to dive. These are really the times I am in heaven. It is already fantastic have 10 more fabulous days. Beginning tomorrow, Scott arranged with \”Undersea Hunter\” to have our own private divemaster & dive out of their 16 foot inflatable with our very own driver. That should be so awesome! A custom dive tour.
Scott & I enjoy our assorted music we have on our external hard drive. Tonight we listened to Wilson-Phillips (Brian Wilson\’s daughter & daughter of Michelle and John Phillips of the Mamas & the Papas). We used to listen to it often on the long drives from L.A. to Mammoth when were skiers. Similar degree of gear intensity, but we prefer the climate & experience of diving much more. Perhaps when we are land-based we will take it up again. I loved cross-country but Scott thought it was too much work. Great exercise!
Hang on, \”Shark Week\” is just about to heat up…!
Scott & Cindy