Forteleza, Brazil to Cayenne, French Guyana…..Day 5
July 13th, 2013 – Time -3 on GMT
We got the current back yesterday and it really showed in the days run of 190 miles. All but 2 1/2 motoring!
We did put the spinnaker up for a few hours, but the heading was really bad and the speed just okay. Hence, back to the iron genoa\’s.
Despite the short break yesterday, this is effectively the longest motor ride ever for Beach House. I\’m not afraid to motor when the sailing conditions are not happening, so off we\’ve been. It\’s been very comfortable and after all. WE ARE IN THE ITCZ. The two boats behind us, \”This Side Up\” and \”OZ\” are going to hit this area with much better winds and most likely be able to sail it most of the way through. Ah, the luck of the draw.
The magic latitude seems to be between 6 – 8 degrees North. Once there, the North East Trade Winds will be re-established and we\’ll be off sailing the rest of the way to Tobago. That will happen essentially as we leave French Guyana.
Last night we passed the local fishing fleet. I thought we were back in Indonesia. Really junkie looking, improperly lit 70-80 footers. We could pick them up on radar, so no worries on dodging them which indeed Nikki had to do on her watch.
This morning, we\’ve seen two Super Tankers and that\’s it. It\’s squall-ier now, but still little rain and less wind. We have seen some interesting lightening shows the last two nights. Fortunately, none close!
Short one for today as there isn\’t much to report. 130 miles to go, Cayenne is French and the navigational aids therefore will be superb. A very well lit big ship channel is there and I think we\’ll be able to go in after dark. Next blog and position report will hopefully be \”at anchor\”.
Scott and Stargazer Nik