Dear Friends of Sailing Vessel \”Beach House\”…….
You are receiving this email as a current subscriber – friend or family of Scott Stolnitz and s/v \”Beach House\”.
We’ve done major updating and renovation to the website at:
We have a whole new look and more robust navigation tools: Hover your mouse above any menu at the top of the toolbar and enjoy!
I am currently updating the website to get up to date on our PHOTO GALLERIES. I’ve posted many new galleries all about our land touring, African explorations and sails from Richard’s Bay, South Africa to Cape Town, South Africa and on to the islands of Trinidad & Tobago.
I will be posting many more new PHOTO GALLERIES within the next few weeks. These will be done in reverse order to show you the most current photos and experiences first.
We now have a SLIDE SHOW feature on all of our galleries. It\’s instructions are at the top of each photo page.
As of today, you are subscribed to receive email notices of new posts from:
You can SELF MANAGE your email subscription anonymously. AS ALWAYS, YOUR EMAIL WILL NOT BE SHARED WITH ANYONE! You will notice that you can manage your email subscriptions on each and every email you receive from me in the future, including this one. If you have “friended” me on FACEBOOK, you will continue to get posts via the FACEBOOK social media system.
Each post will send you a brief email with a link to click it and be taken to it directly. For the next few weeks, you’ll be receiving 1 or 2 each day. After that, only when something new is posted.
For those of you who would prefer to use FACEBOOK, you can send a message to Scott Stolnitz via the FACEBOOK system. This will generate a \”friend request\”. You will then receive notification of new posts via the FACEBOOK social media. You can receive notifications via email, FACEBOOK or both; that’s entirely up to you.
Nikki and I are tentatively planning on sailing through the Windward and Leeward Islands of the Caribbean this coming season, starting in January.
Please feel free to leave a comment or send an email; I’d love to hear from all of you!
Explore and Enjoy!
Scott Stolnitz