December 3
What a pleasure to fly out of San Diego compared to LAX! We breezed right
through & were way early for our flight. No stress. Cindy dropped Scott at
friend Michael Cogen\’s San Rafael office & continued on to visit her Dad &
sister in Sonoma County.
December 4-6
Scott learned all about the repair & maintenance of our 2 watermakers during
his 3 day class at Spectra in San Rafael. He enjoyed the evenings with
Michael, Lynn & Katlyn. One of our \”homes away from home\”.
Cindy was happy to spend time with friends Karen & Ron in Santa Rosa and
Ella & Leo in Guerneville. Cindy got her teeth cleaned by a hygienist at
Alberta\’s dentists office. It was odd, after 17 years of being cared for by
Scott\’s office. But since her dentist has retired, it was time to find a new
Cindy picked up Scott in San Rafael after his class finished & took him to
Alberta\’s doctor to get his 2nd Hepatitis A vaccine. These shots must be
given 6 months apart & we did not know if it would work out to return to the
travel doctor we started with in LA.
December 8
Despite being in the middle of a kitchen remodel, Alberta treated us to
homemade chicken mole enchiladas. Yummy! Cindy & Alberta treasured their
walks & talks. David & Scott bonded over tools & DVDs.
December 9
Thank you Aunt Barbara for hosting our friends for the latke party. Barbara
had done the hard work of cooking the potato latkes ahead of time. Skye &
Cindy whipped up a batch of zucchini latkes & Marion\’s applesauce (secret
recipe: frozen applejuice concentrate & pippin apples. That\’s all). Martin &
Scott\’s big & tall appetites made Barbara nervous, so she insisted on
cooking a brisket. Topped off with cookies & ice cream no one left hungry.
It was wonderful to see cousin Lori & hear about her sister, cousin Lisa\’s
soon to be born baby.
It was really special for Cindy to get her Ya-Ya Sisterhood together again.
Linda, Sharon & Anna being the core group (and dearly departed Dianne who
will be missed forever). The last \”gathering of girls\” onboard *Beach House
*had been exactly 2 months prior. When & where will be the next one?
December 10
We both ran all over town taking care of business. Scott was thrilled the
get us officially removed from the LA County Property Tax roles. We had
heard of other yachties having problems with this. We took great pains to
have all our paperwork in order.
That evening Scott visited 2 sets of longtime friends: Marion Schwadel &
Jeff Braeger.
Cindy, Linda & Barbara got into the spirit of the season by attending the
Sing-Along Messiah at Disney Hall. This is Cindy & Linda\’s annual holiday
tradition & they were delighted to share it with Barbara, who enjoyed it
just as much as they did.
December 11
The stupid parents returned their rental car way too early & were standing
freezing their patooties off at the outdoor Burbank train station. Wonderful
daughter Skye rescues them with a delivery of lattes. Bless you my child. It
was a thinly disguised ploy to have one more hugging opportunity. When will
we see you next? And where?? Until then, our love keeps us together in