YOTREPS: YES TIME: 2012/10/02 01:56 LATITUDE: 08-10.98S LONGITUDE: 078-44.46E COURSE: 293T SPEED: 7.8 MARINE: YES WIND_SPEED: 21 WIND_DIR: ENE WAVE_HT: 0.2M WAVE_PER: 6 SWELL_DIR: E SWELL_HT: 2.0M SWELL_PER: 10 CLOUDS: 70% VISIBILITY: 10 BARO: 1015.2 AIR_TEMP: 28.3C COMMENT: Beach House – EN ROUTE – Salomon Atoll, Chagos Archipelago. 161 nm last 24 hours
I\’ll post a blog soon. 422 nm to go. Should arrive early morning our Friday. Actually SEVEN ships yesterday, we crossed a major shipping lane from SE Asia/China to the tip of Africa. KIT, Scott and Nikki