YOTREPS: YES TIME: 2012/10/03 01:53 LATITUDE: 07-06.45S LONGITUDE: 076-21.04E COURSE: 292T SPEED: 6.5 MARINE: YES WIND_SPEED: 18 WIND_DIR: NE WAVE_HT: 0.2M WAVE_PER: 6 SWELL_DIR: ENE SWELL_HT: 3.5M SWELL_PER: 10 CLOUDS: 90% VISIBILITY: 10 BARO: 1015.1 AIR_TEMP: 27.2C COMMENT: Beach House – EN ROUTE – Salomon Atoll, Chagos Archipelago. 157 miles last 24 hours; Day 8

We\’ve 266 miles to go, hoping for an early Friday arrival, two more nights? We just passed an old junkie looking fishing boat headed in the opposite direction toward Indonesia. We passed within a mile of each other. We\’re 200 miles due East of the Diego Garcia Navy base. New post is up at: www.svbeachhouse.com Hopefully a more comfy 24 hours ahead? KIT, Scott and \”On Watch\” Nikki…