YOTREPS: YES TIME: 2012/10/19 01:54 LATITUDE: 08-32.75S LONGITUDE: 067-24.05E COURSE: 248T SPEED: 10.8 MARINE: YES WIND_SPEED: 20 WIND_DIR: SE WAVE_HT: 0.2M WAVE_PER: 6 SWELL_DIR: SSE SWELL_HT: 2.5M SWELL_PER: 10 CLOUDS: 70% VISIBILITY: 15 BARO: 1013.9 AIR_TEMP: 28.9C COMMENT: Beach House – En-ROUTE – Chagos to Madagascar. 173 nm last 24 hours.
New blog posted at: www.svbeachhouse.com For Dave & Kathy on Sunflower…You can post as many times per day as you like on YOTREPS. It only shows the most recent. SWU on the radio this p.m. We moved our clocks to +5…