YOTREPS: YES TIME: 2012/11/15 06:30 LATITUDE: 19-22.26S LONGITUDE: 038-39.81E COURSE: 212T SPEED: 5.9 MARINE: YES WIND_SPEED: 7 WIND_DIR: S WAVE_HT: 0.5M WAVE_PER: 4 SWELL_DIR: SSE SWELL_HT: 1.3M SWELL_PER: 5 CLOUDS: 25% VISIBILITY: 15 BARO: 1018.2 AIR_TEMP: 30.6C COMMENT: Beach House -EN ROUTE -Madagascar to Richard\’s Bay, South Africa Day 3 – 155 miles. At least respectable. We\’re now motoring on the starboard engine following the pattern of wind at night, none during the day. Expect 15-20+ SSE this evening and all gone tomorrow. We\’re 2 days from Inhambane, Madagascar\’s \”hidey hole\”. We\’re in a pushing (south flowing) current of about 1 knot. We\’re staying a bit East today so we can sail toward the SW when the wind comes in later. Too bumpy to work with the engine. Checked the fuse and swapped voltage regulators on the 24 V alternator. No luck. Decent sail last night. Nikki\’s cooking…:-) KIT, Scott and Niiki