TIME: 2015/03/03 23:03
LATITUDE: 18-45.19N
LONGITUDE: 087-18.24W
COMMENT: Beach House – ANCHORED – Cayo Norte – Chinchoro Bank, Mexico – Belize tomorrow – we hope!
We\’ll we got out a bit later than I wanted. We had a lovely sail here and the seas calmed in the afternoon.
Problem is, we spoke with two boats that had just left here telling us how easy the entry and anchorage was….NOT!
We got into very shallow water (2.4 feet under the hulls!). It\’s sand for the most part, we\’re now anchored with 4.3 feet under the hulls which is fine.
However, getting an early start may be very problematic as we can\’t see the bottom until it\’s light. It\’s a 200 yd issue, but…it IS an issue.
We\’re not in the best anchoring spot, but it\’s safe.
This is one of only 4 true atolls in this Caribbean, the others are in Belize; our next stop.
This will make a blog entry!
Scott and Nikki