The Puddle Has Been Jumped…..

November 20th, 2011 (Western Hemisphere)

Dear Family & Friends,

“A Cathartic Voyage…..” The title of the most recent “Ship’s Log” brings me up to date.  See link above.  FIVE  NEW Photo Galleries have been posted – Western Fiji, Vanuatu and Arrival at New Caledonia, New Caledonia & The Isle of Pines and lastly our arrival in Brisbane, Australia….click the photo link above. Enjoy!  I’m all caught up.

“Beach House”  has “Jumped The Puddle” – completing her Pacific Crossing.  We’ve arrived in Brisbane, Australia and the boat will be stored out of the water here for the Austral Cyclone Season.

Thank you Jerome and Nathalie from s/v “Na Maka” for the lovely bottle of wine.  We savored it with a toast to Cindy upon arrival – in celebration of our crossing the Pacific.

See “Position Reports” tab above.  ”Ship’s Logs”  are now current to Brisbane, Australia (November – 2011).


THANK YOU ALL for the emails I recently received.

KIT,  Scott