A Slow Day…..
24 October 2012 (Eastern Hemisphere)
Dear F&F,
Yesterday was a slow one. It started out fast but then we hit a strong and unexpected \”head current\” which retarded our speed up to 2 knots for awhile! This along with the diminishing winds (as predicted), have slowed us considerably. Yesterday\’s run was a paltry 160 nm.
The sun is up, the seas calm, the winds around 10-12 knots. When Nikki gets up, we\’ll hoist the spinnaker and get going as I\’m concerned about rounding the \”top\” tomorrow during daylight hours. The spinnaker is the large kite like sail most of you have seen in the sailing photos. It\’s three times the size of our genoa which is what we\’ve had up for three days.
I\’d planned on being there tomorrow at first light, now I\’m hopeful for noon! If it gets really light, we\’ll motor to insure a day time passage of the \”top\”.
Dave and Kathy on \”Sunflower\” we\’re 125 miles behind us last night and hanging right in there. Very impressive for a 44 foot monomaran!…:-)
Nikki\’s been navigating, cooking, reading and watching the stars on her IPAD program every night. Last night was a good one for it too. Very clear, nice moon, but you could still see Jupiter, Mars and the brightest stars.
We expect an easy sailing day today, but I\’m a sailor and hence I knock on wood and am superstitious of such things….:-) KIT, landfall tomorrow…
Scott and Sleeping Beauty Nik….:-)