TIME: 2016/03/22 19:47
LATITUDE: 08-34.90N
LONGITUDE: 079-01.54W
SPEED: 1.5
COMMENT: Beach House – ANCHORED – Isla Chapera – Las Perlas Islands – Panama
Well, we finally have more or less begun the trip across the YUUGE Pacific. Only about 7500-8000 miles to go. We covered 35 today!
So in the spirit of \”Break a Leg\” (as they say in Hollywood for good luck), we broke a dozen eggs, scratched a teflon pan, drowned a camera and had a pissy gal at the fuel dock just before we left. We were able to use the smelly water from the Las Perlas anchorage to mostly wash the boat while we made nice water in the open sea.
The \”speed\” you see above is the current in this anchorage. We\’re in 31 feet of water at high tide anchored between Isla Chapera and Mogu Mogu. We\’ll only be in 15 feet of water in about 6 hours! A building left by the filming of \”Survivor\” is here and there seems to be a few nice beaches. A nice breeze is blowing and it\’s calm. Two local day boats are here and we\’re anchored near our Canadian friends, Kyle and Shelley on \”Blowin\’ Bubbles\”. As you can discern from the name – they\’re divers.
We\’re off the internet until we at least get to the Galapagos which should be within 10-16 days depending.
That\’s all for now, use our boat emails to keep in touch. Nikki\’s new boat email is: nicolaw(AT) Mine is WDB5638(AT)
Scott and Nikki