TIME: 2016/03/24 18:47
LATITUDE: 08-25.56N
LONGITUDE: 078-51.18W
SPEED: 1.0
COMMENT: Beach House – ANCHORED – Espiritu Santo (West Side) Las Perlas Islands – Panama
Yesterday, we awoke to yet another generator \”teethe\”. After using our new Sat Phone to speak with the company in \”Houston – we have a problem\”, we were able to discern (almost by accident) a bad electrical connection. Mico disaster averted after a several hour testing procedure. We are currently tagging along with s/v \”Blowin\’ Bubbles\” and picked up the hook for the short 3 miles to Isla Contadora – departing the \”Survivor Island\” (Isla Chapera). Contadora has lots of hidden billionaire homes and is otherwise a quaint small town with several small restaurants and an airfield. The anchorage turned out to be lovely and we had a nice meal ashore. As this is Easter Week, Contadora will soon be a zoo!
Today, we upped anchor and marked our mainsail furling system on our new boom vang. A block promptly broke, cut a line but all is reparable and spares are handy. We tried to sail, but winds were too light. We\’re now anchored it yet another rip roaring current river due to the large spring tides. It\’s only 15 feet here at Espiritu Santo. Again note the \”speed\” is actually our current here at the anchorage.
An aside about this group of islands is that Manuel Noriega, the former dictator of Panama owned one and it legendarily according to my ex-mother-in-law, was the site of burred gold from a sunken tall ship that came from San Francisco over 120 years ago. The relative who was searching for it, was possibly murdered for the gold and it\’s a long story. But these are the very islands she told us about many times.
Looking for a weather window to head off toward the Galapagos Islands!
Scott and Nikki