YOTREPS: YES TIME: 2013/04/18 18:23 LATITUDE: 26-38.42S LONGITUDE: 015-09.44E MARINE: NO WIND_SPEED: 25 WIND_DIR: SSE CLOUDS: 10% VISIBILITY: 12 BARO: 1018.2 AIR_TEMP: 13.9C COMMENT: Beach House -ANCHORED- Back in Robert Harbor, Luderitz….. Crew is safe but tired. We had winds steady at 30-35 knots on the way back and saw gusts into the 40\’s, one at 52 knots! Glad to be back. It\’s a mess and we\’ll have to head back to Cape Town. I suspect for a minimum of a month and possibly two! The boom is a loss and we\’ll need to get a new one from California. We\’ll move up our tour of Sossuvlei Dunes to Sunday/Monday and look for a weather window (starting to shape up on Tuesday to Friday?) to motor the 500 miles back to Cape Town…. KIT, Scott and Nikki