YOTREPS: YES TIME: 2013/04/25 08:09 LATITUDE: 31-20.38S LONGITUDE: 016-56.72E COURSE: 157T SPEED: 6.8 MARINE: YES WIND_SPEED: 8 WIND_DIR: NNE WAVE_HT: 0.0M WAVE_PER: 0 SWELL_DIR: SW SWELL_HT: 0.5M SWELL_PER: 6 CLOUDS: 10% VISIBILITY: 15 BARO: 1019 TREND: 1 AIR_TEMP: 20.0C SEA_TEMP: 16.7C COMMENT: Beach House -EN ROUTE-Cape Town, SA. Should arrive Friday afternoon. It\’s nice that this weather window has steadily improved and I think we\’ll get in before the next southerly kicks up. We had an alternator/water pump belt break on the port engine. Fortunately, it\’s nice and calm. The repair went fine in about an hours time. We also got some good news that we may be able to fix the boom rather than replace it…. Stand by. When I get to Cape Town and get settled, I WILL catch the blog up. Nothing out here but sea lions, bull kelp floating around and us! KIT, Scott and Nikki