Russian Bay to Berangomania Bay, on to Moramaba Bay…..
05-07 November 2012 (Eastern Hemisphere)
Dear F&F, We\’d heard about a nice anchorage and \”local experience\” in Baramahamay Bay, but it was only another 16 miles and a restaurant ashore didn\’t appeal much as both Captain and Crew had a bit of \”tourista\” from our eating ashore in Hellville.
Hence, on we went to Berangomania Bay, another very well protected anchorage with a local village. On our next days run, we wanted to get to Moramba Bay where Des and Nel told us we would see Lemurs right on the beach and in the trees. This anchorage also has some incredible limestone rocks and fabulous Baobob trees. The Baobob\’s are also in Africa and Australia. They look like a tree turned upside down. Photo one day… (as if!..:-))
En route, we passed the infamous island of Nosy Lava. It is a former prison and is now closed. In 1993, two escapees went aboard the s/v \”Magic Carpet\” and murdered the crew!… The guide (when the prison was open), said, \”we cannot recommend the island\”…
We arrived at Moramba Bay in the afternoon and anchored in a lovely spot that reminded me of last years trip to the Lau Group of Fiji. The limestone islands there were a bit more spectacular, but these were very nice. Also, the baobob trees were spectacular AND BEST OF ALL! We saw the Colqueri Safakia Lemurs (7 of them), right in a big tree on the beach!..Yeah, we found our lemurs! They are diurnal, so we saw them in the trees at dawn and dusk. According to what I read, there are about 60 animals per sq. kilometer. This particular species (of which there are dozens), is one of the largest. The body is about 2 feet tall and the tail a bit longer. They vertically climb, swing and stay in small groups. They were very alert to our presence as well. These animals have been hunted and are most likely quite leery of people. A local guide told us their species and had a group of 3 tourists from Ireland with him. He said if we go ashore, they\’ll go high up into the canopy. The next morning, we went for a walk on the beach and indeed, they wouldn\’t come down till we left. We did see paw prints on the beach too which was pretty cool. Yeah, photos one day!…
After a full day and two nights, \”Sunflower\” arrived and we left the next morning for another town of ill repute, Majunga…. More soon,
Kit, Scott and Nikki